April 11, 2017




Ariana Mangual Figueroa

Dr. Ariana Mangual Figueroa is an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Her work draws from the fields of language socialization and linguistic anthropology to examine language use and learning in Latino communities living in the United States. Her research documents the everyday experiences of children and families as they participate in learning activities across multiple settings including homes, schools, and communities. She is particularly interested in the ways in which an individual’s linguistic and cultural development is shaped by citizenship status and educational policies and the ways in which this becomes evident in daily, routine interactions. Her most recent longitudinal ethnographic study focusing on the way in which legal citizenship status shapes the participation of Latina girls inside and outside of school was supported by a 2013-14 National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship and by a 2016-17 Rutgers Research Council Grant. Dr. Mangual Figueroa has focused her work on the ways in which discourses of citizenship circulate across home and school settings in mixed-status communities with articles published in Anthropology & Education Quarterly and Language Policy, the ethics of conducting ethnographic research in mixed-status homes discussed in a 2014 article titled “Citizenship, beneficence, and informed consent: The ethics of working in mixed-status families,” and the ways in which children choose to disclose or disguise their citizenship status with her most recent 2017 publication appearing in the American Educational Research Journal. She brings this research to bear on the lives of teachers and students by organizing conferences and participating in professional development workshops for K-16 educators in the tri-state area working to advocate for the undocumented students that they serve. Dr. Mangual Figueroa received her PhD in Language, Literacy, and Culture, from the University of California, Berkeley, and holds a Masters Ed. in Bilingual Education, from the Bank Street College of Education, in New York City. Prior to obtaining her PhD, she taught English as a Second Language and Spanish in public schools in the Bronx and Brooklyn. She was born and raised in New York City and currently lives in Brooklyn with her husband where they are raising their two bilingual daughters.

Vicente Rubio Pueyo

Enseña en Fordham University. Doctor en Estudios Culturales Hispánicos por Stony Brook University (2014). Actualmente trabaja en un libro sobre culturas políticas entre Estado y Movimientos en la España Contemporánea (1978-2015). Aparte de la docencia e investigación académicas, forma parte de proyectos como la Global Platform on Protest and Participation (http://global-platform.org/) y colabora frecuentemente con entidades como el Left Forum. Residente desde hace más de diez años en Estados Unidos, ha participado en movimientos como Occupy Wall Street (principalmente a través del proyecto Making Worlds-A NYC Coalition for the Commons), y ha estado activo en la construcción de apoyos y conexiones entre movimientos y organizaciones en España y Estados Unidos: 15M, Podemos, y las confluencias municipalistas. Ha publicado textos sobre la actualidad social y políticas de Estados Unidos y España en Diagonal, Viento Sur, Madrid15m (España), ¡Lobo Suelto! (Argentina) o In These Times (Estados Unidos).



Arantxa Araujo


Arantxa Araujo is a Mexican multidisciplinary artist and neuroscientist based in NYC, interested in how art changes the brain by allowing curated sensorimotor stimuli to create awareness about physical, affective and cognitive components that move us to action. Araujo uses photography, video, and movement-based performances to spark curiosity in observers, helping them scrutinize these processes and the relationship between the exuberant world of stimulants, the inner journey of perception, and its role in defining behavior. Araujo’s work has been presented by BEAT Festival in the Brooklyn Museum, Queens Museum, JACK, Panoply Lab, Garis & Hahn Gallery, SITI Lab, Live Love Festival, Movement Research, Radiator Gallery, Columbia University, Triskelion Arts, Idio Gallery, Walls-Ortiz Gallery and Center, and The CAVE in New York; El Teatro de los Sentidos Residency and El Vicio, in Mexico City; MATCH in Houston; Milk and Cereal Gallery in Austin; The Semel Theater and Huret & Spector Gallery in Boston, and Performance Art Festival (PAF16) at SPACE Gallery and Bunker Projects in Pittsburgh. Araujo has been selected to be part of  2017 Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics’ EMERGENYC program and  Art in Odd Places (AiOP) – NYC (2017). Araujo was awarded a full scholarship from Mexican Government Institution CONACYT and holds an MA in Motor Learning and Control from Teachers College, Columbia University.  She was a fellow at The Performance at the Center, SKIP! and a resident at Teatro de los Sentidos and a participant in City as Site Residency.

Diana Bejarano


Diana Bejarano es una fotógrafa y artista visual colombiana viviendo en Queens, New York. Su trabajo fotográfico y audiovisual se enfoca en problemas y causas sociales. Recientemente, se ha enfocado en el tema de la inmigración y separación familiar forzada. Trabaja con distintas organizaciones comunitarias y colabora con organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Busca sensibilizar por medio del arte. Actualmente trabaja en un proyecto de violencia doméstica. Su trabajo ha sido exhibido en Nueva York y Colombia.

Lauren Espejo


Lauren Espejo is a Filipino-American art director, graphic designer, and writer based in New York City. Lauren’s fine art has been featured in 9 exhibitions including the Greenpoint Gallery, Dr. M.T. Geoffrey Yeh Art Gallery, Angel Orensanz Foundation, and the See Exhibition Space. Her design work for Liberty Mutual has been featured on Inc. BrandView. Along with her team XENO Collective, she hosts art shows, live musical performances, and cultural events. In 2016, she created the Asian-American blog, The Yellow Ranger, to create a space where Asian-Americans could share their culture and experiences. Lauren is currently the Diversity Editor at DLG Media and Art Director at Entree Health.



Gabriel Alvarado

BA & MA, Hispanic Linguistics, University of Chile; MA, Lexicography, Association of Spanish Language Academies. Main interests: Sociolinguistics, Lexicography, Glottopolitics, Language Ideologies, Queer Studies, Second Language Education, Translation. He has worked as a lexicographer for the Chilean Academy of Language and collaborated in several Spanish language dictionaries. He taught Spanish at Cairo’s Cervantes Institute. He is currently a recipient of Chile’s CONICYT scholarship.

Jorge Alvis

Lingüista y Magíster en Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Estudiante del primer anho de doctorado en HLBLL del Graduate Center de CUNY. Áreas de interes: sociolinguistica del español; normatividad y prescriptivismo lingüístico; oralidad y escritura en el Caribe; estudios editoriales.

Gabriel Arce-Rollins Riocabo

Gabriel is a doctoral candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center. He researches intellectual histories, visual culture and travel narratives within and between Cuba and Scandinavia.

Juliane Bazzo

Ph.D. Candidate in Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State – UFRGS (Brazil). Fulbright Visiting Researcher at the City University of New York – CUNY (Anthropology Department, Queens College and Anthropology Program, The Graduate Center). Research interests: moral anthropology and bullying; socio-environmental conflicts and traditional populations. Recent publications: “Memories Revisited: On the Retroactive Testimonies of Victims of Bullying in the Brazilian Context” (Revista de Estudios Sociales, n. 59, Enero-Marzo 2017, p. 56-67); “The weave of kinship and the ever-mobile fishing village of Barra de Ararapira – Superagüi Island, Guaraqueçaba, Paraná, Brazil (Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, v. 8, n. 2, July-December 2011, p. 163-196).

Eduardo Luís Campos Lima

Eduardo holds a degree in Journalism and an MA in American and Brazilian dramaturgy (both from Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil). His main research interest is the history of popular theater in Latin America and the United States. Among his publications is the book Coisas de Jornal no Teatro (Expressão Popular: São Paulo, 2014), about the Living Newspaper theater in the United States and in Brazil. He is currently a Ph.D. student at Universidade de São Paulo and a Fulbright Visiting Research Student at Columbia University.

Alberto Carpio Jiménez

Columbia PhD Candidate en LAIC Department (Latin American and Iberian Cultures), estudiante de primer año. Máster en escritura creativa en español en NYU, 2016. Máster en Estudios Hispánicos, Universidad de Cádiz, 2009. Licenciado en Filosofía Universidad de Sevilla, 2006.

Elena Chávez-Goycochea

Elena is a student in the Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages at the Graduate Center. Licenciatura, Latin American and Hispanic Literatures, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru). Main interests: gender studies, women writing, Contemporary Latin American and Brazilian poetry and narrative, Amazonian Literatures. She has taught at the PUCP, and is the author of Encuentros del tipo vanguardista: Magda Portal y Jorge Pimentel. Una perspectiva de género (tesis de licenciatura, 2014).

Noédson Conceição Santos

Acadêmico em Direito pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brasil) em regime de Dupla Titulação com a Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). Fui bolsista de investigação científica no Instituto de Letras da UFBA. Faço parte do projeto “Rede Social Temática: Proteção dos Direitos Humanos das Mulheres” do Núcleo de Estudos e Ações Conjunturais em Administração Política (Escola de Administração/UFBA). Tenho interesse nas áreas de Linguística, Estudos Interartes, Direitos Humanos, Sociologia, Cinema Brasileiro, Crítica Genética e Semiótica.

Ernesto Cuba

Ernesto es estudiante del tercer año del programa doctoral en Lingüística Hispánica de The Graduate Center de CUNY. Estudió Lingüística y Estudios de Género en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Su área de investigación son los estudios de lenguaje, género y sexualidad. Ha escrito la “Guía de Uso de Lenguaje Inclusivo. Si no me nombras, no existo” para el Gobierno de su país, Perú (2013). Está particularmente interesado y ha investigado las prácticas sociolingüísticas de comunidades hispanohablantes “queer”, así como la historia de la Linguística en Latinoamérica. Ernesto es feminista y activista LGBT, por lo que se define como lingüista feminista. Desde su mudanza a Nueva York, se ha involucrado en colectivos y redes activistas y académicas de personas LGBT de color.

Yeni Dávila

Yeni has a Bachelor’s from The University of Texas at San Antonio in Spanish and is currently working towards her M.A. in Spanish in conjunction with a Graduate Certificate in Spanish Translation and Interpreting Studies. For more than a decade has done translations of science and math elementary lessons as well as exam items for bilingual education in grades PK-8 from English to Spanish; she also did her translation practicum at the Institute of Texan Cultures, in history lessons for grades 6-8. One of her major interests is to help bilingual students whom are English language learners to receive the same educational opportunities as their monolingual English-speaking peers. Yeni has also presented her research “Bilingualism and Identity” at Georgetown University and “Mediated Interpreting in Educational Settings” at UT Austin and UMass Amherst in 2016.

Jonathan Elí Melgar

Jonathan received both his B.A. (2013) and M.A. (2016) in Spanish from The City College of New York, CUNY. His research focuses on 20th – 21st Century Central American literatures and cultures and queer sexuality studies

Katherine E. Entigar

Katherine is in her third year of the Urban Education program at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She is an interdisciplinary scholar whose research interests include adult and nonprofit education, immigration, teacher education, pedagogy, and philosophy of education. Her dissertation will focus on the nonprofit education of adult immigrants and the rights and political subjectivities of these students as contributors to and authors of education for shared justice and collaboration toward social transformation. Her most recent publications include “The limits of pedagogy: diaculturalist pedagogy as paradigm shift in the education of adult immigrants” in 2016 and “‘Low-Status’ Adult Immigrants and Nonprofit Education” in 2017. Katherine will be presenting a version of today’s discussion at the 2017 Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) in Toronto, Canada on May 27th-30th and appreciates this opportunity to join other panelists at her second HLBLL student conference.

Laura Grifol Isely

Tras haber realizado sus primeros estudios universitarios en la Facultad de Filosofía y C.E. de la Universidad de Valencia, Laura se interesó por la filosofía francesa y con este objetivo prosiguió en la Sorbona con un trabajo sobre Montaigne. Atraída tanto por las Ciencias del Lenguaje como por la Sociología y el Cine, en París redescubrió lengua y cultura maternas y completó su formación al mismo tiempo que integraba la docencia, primero en la enseñanza secundaria y actualmente en la universidad. En este momento realiza una tesis sobre la evolución de las representaciones cinematográficas de Barcelona en la época contemporánea bajo la dirección de Nancy Berthier y Vicente Sánchez-Biosca. Ha participado en un estudio monográfico dirigido por C. Murcia que lleva por título Benet et les champs du savoir y ha presentado diversos trabajos sobre cine y ciudad en congresos internacionales, muchos de ellos en vías de publicación.

Huber D. Jaramillo Gil

Huber is a student in the Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages at the Graduate Center, an adjunct lecturer at Hunter College and City College and an administrative assistant for the Ph.D. Program in History at the Graduate Center. He currently studies Neo-baroque and Latin American Boom literature.

Amanda Jordan

Amanda is a doctoral student in Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture at the University of Southern California. With prior degrees in Spanish literature and Visual and Media Studies from Duke University, she has been able to cultivate a trajectory that is as deeply critical as it is creative. Her research interests center on analyzing visual media both as methods and objects of study. The corpus of her research comes from 20th century art practices. By analyzing what certain movements and specific artists were working towards, conceptually and methodologically, she builds from Nicolas Bourriaud’s relational aesthetics to offer a reading of aesthetics that is as relational as it is mediated.

Agnė Karosaitė

Agnė es licenciada en Filología inglesa por la universidad de Vilna. Fue beneficiaria de tres becas Comenius en España, donde trabajó en colaboración con profesores del inglés y del español como lengua extranjera. Actualmente, está haciendo el doctorado en el programa de HLBLL de CUNY, sus intereses principales son ideologías lingüísticas, higiene verbal en el ámbito de medios sociales, y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras.

Christine Martínez 

Christine is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University. Her research explores the work of twenty-first-century Spanish artists and activists that advocate for environmentally sustainable cultural practices. She focuses specifically on comics, documentaries and photographic projects that challenge mainstream discourses of growth and well-being. She holds an MA in Hispanic Literature from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a Bachelors in Journalism and a BA in Spanish Literature from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Irene Melé-Ballesteros

Irene escribe su disertación sobre nuevas poéticas y teatralidades desarrolladas por creadores españoles durante el primer quindenio del siglo XXI y los diálogos que aquellas establecen con los procesos socio-políticos y culturales que afectan a la larga transición española, con un émfasis en la escena barcelonesa. Entre sus focos de atención se encuentran la presente protagonista, Angélica Liddell; el teatro y la teoría de Carles Batlle, la autoría de Lluïsa Cunillé, la dirección de Daniela de Vecchi y la ecléctica producción de Juan Mayorga. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran la Introducción al volumen y edición a cargo del Monográfico V, “Feminisno y Gynocine” para la revista Ámbitos Feministas, en noviembre de 2015; y un capítulo sobre la figura de Elena Jordi en el libro Dramaturgas y Directoras (pendiente de edición).

Mike Mena

Mike is currently a MAGNET Fellow at the Graduate Center studying Linguistic Anthropology with an emphasis on social and political theory. He is currently focused on the construction, maintenance, and dissemination of hegemonic discourses as they emerge in the everyday speech of South Texas residents. Additionally, he is interested in the perception of time and space as mediated through processes of racialization. He will return to South Texas this summer to continue his research.

Katherine Mills

Katherine is a first-year doctoral candidate in the History of Art and Architecture Department of Harvard University. She focuses primarily on processional and artistic representations of religious life in the Early Modern Iberian world. In 2014 she received a Masters in the “History of the Spanish Monarchy – 16-18th centuries” from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), where her thesis explored the decoration, conceptualization, and utilization of religious spaces by the 17th century nuns of Las Descalzas Reales in Madrid. Mills is currently working with Professor María José del Río Barredo to publish an article about the specific religious culture in that convent. Prior to her time in Madrid, Mills obtained a BA in History of Art and Architecture and Spanish Literature from Harvard College in 2011.

Juan E. Miranda 

My research interests focus on the intersection and performance of the Sporting Body as well as the representation and theatricality of oppressed groups in Contemporary Argentine Cinema and Literature (CACL), the narratives that utilize sport as one of their most significant tropes. It is from my interest in the footballization of contemporary accounts and the representations of the body in the Southern Cone cultural and historiographical debates that I started to question the utilization of football language, characters, and cultural events in contemporary fiction in Argentina. In these narratives, the ludic actor, its language, and what it embodies, have served as a trope to talk about corruption, memory, morality, habits, and myth, showing a clear turn in the representation of Argentinity—for when the ludic body takes center stage, especially in CACL, the futbolesque character, and its habits become a recurrent subliminal and allegorical discourse, which crosses and confronts corruption, social, political, economic, identity, and narrative boundaries. Social and moral disorder, henceforth, seems to be articulated through the use of the futbolesque, not only in realistic tone, but also in the fantastic, in CACL, and in detective stories such as Juan José Campanella’s Oscar winner El secreto de sus ojos (2009) transposition of Eduardo Sacheri’s novel La pregunta de sus ojos (2005). For my dissertation, I focus on the representation and the theatricality of the futbolesque body’s perspective, be that of the detective, the criminal, or the victim.

María Teresa Monroe

My research interests include the Contemporary Latin-American Chronicle and Transnational Chronicles, (or the literature arguably of that sort) of some renowned Latin American and American journalists, who are intimately familiar with Mexico and Central America specifically, and the myriad issues occurring in the area. Besides the literary aesthetics of the chronicle or ‘crónica’, I explore its narrative construction where these authors expose an intellectual commitment and a political agenda revealing social injustice issues to a North-American audience with the purpose to make a change. Currently, my thematic approach is the narratives of immigration where the chronicle functions as a political and civil platform.

Cristina Morales Segura

Cristina es licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y master en derecho corporativo por el Instituto de Empresa de Madrid, campo en el que ha trabajado en España y en el Reino Unido. En la actualidad es estudiante del programa doctoral en Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages del Graduate Center de CUNY.

Elisabet Pallàs

Elisabet has a B.A in Humanities by Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, 2012), holds a Master’s degree in Editorial Services and Multilingualism Management by Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, 2013), and a Master of Arts in Spanish Peninsular Modern Literature by the University of Massachusetts Amherst (2016). She is currently in the second year of her PHD in the same university. Interested in Visual Studies within the Iberian context, she currently focuses on the Intersection between Contemporary Spanish productions, both in Theater and Cinema, and Gender Studies. Today, she will be presenting a paper titled “Navegando por la gran ciudad. Comunicación e identidades culturales en Learning to drive, de Isabel Coixet (2014).

Natalia Picón

Licenciatura, Hispanic Philology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain); MA, Publishing, UCM-Santillana. Main interests: contemporary Peninsular literature, literature and social movements, queer and gender studies, contemporary Hispanic Cultural Studies

Natalia Polito

Natalia se graduó en 2011 como Licenciada en Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Actualmente, es PhD Candidate del Departamento de Literaturas y Lenguas Hispánicas en Stony Brook University. Su proyecto de tesis estudia el teatro popular argentino a comienzos del siglo XX. Sus intereses se centran en cuestiones de género, migración y familia, así como en los cruces entre la producción teatral y la cinematográfica a lo largo del siglo XX y el XXI.

Sara Rodrigues de Oliveira

Acadêmica em Letras com ênfase em Língua Inglesa pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brasil), foi bolsista de investigação científica no Instituto de Letras da UFBA sobre o seguinte tema: “Ensino de textos multimodais virtuais em escolas públicas periféricas: mapeamento, estratégia e intervenção”; também participei de pesquisa ligada à crítica genética na obra da poetisa norte-americana Elisabeth Bishop. Possuo experiência em artes visuais, principalmente, no campo da fotografia. Sou professora/monitora de Lígua Inglesa em instituições públicas e privadas. Dedico-me, também, a outras áreas da linguística, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: ensino, língua, (multi)letramento, multimodalidade.

Lily Ryan

BA, Spanish and Latin American Literatures and Cultures, NYU. Main Interests: Latin American studies, Spanish and Latin American cinema, Documentary film studies.

Francesca Silva

Francesca is a Ph.D. student at the CUNY Graduate Center in the comparative literature program. Her academic interests revolve around Italian, Spanish and Latin American literature, as well as the theory and practice of translation. In addition to teaching Italian and Spanish in two of the CUNY colleges, she is working on the translation of a book devoted to the notion of friendship in Dante and classical authors.

Cristina Tamames

Graduada en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de Salamanca donde, mediante beca de colaboración, participó con el Departamento de Literatura. Obtuvo el título de Máster en Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada por la misma facultad. Del mismo modo, cursó el Máster de Estudos da Literatura e da Cultura (2016) por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela con orientación hacia la Teoría Literaria. Actualmente forma parte del programa de doctorado de la USC. Pertenece al grupo de investigación de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura comparada y participa en el Proyecto de Investigación “Poesía actual y política: Análisis de las relaciones contemporáneas entre producción cultural y contexto sociopolítico” de la Universidad de Vigo.

Alberto Valdivia Baselli

Alberto se licenció en Filología Hispánica en la UNED de España y obtuvo el máster Europeo en Filosofía. Ha sido profesor visitante y conferencista en París, Roma, Berlín, Marsella. Fue profesor del Departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad del Pacífico (Perú) y actualmente es profesor de Literatura y Español en varios colleges de CUNY y de FIT de la Universidad del Estado de Nueva York (SUNY). Es candidato a doctor en Filosofía en la UNED y en Literaturas y Lenguas Hispánicas en The Graduate Center, CUNY. Ha publicado 7 libros; los más recientes “Wayñupacha” (poesía) y “El quipu y la paqarina: utopía y pensamiento resIstente en el mundo andino” (s. XVI-XX) (ensayo), ambos, en prensa.

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